Looking for free Professional Sound Effects ?

Published November 23, 2017

2 ways to get free sound effects for your video games on my website: http://www.ogsoundfx.com

- Download the free album here: http://www.ogsoundfx.com/product/og-sound-fx-free-samples-sounds-loops/

- And get even more sounds by subscribing to the newsletter on the website: http://www.ogsoundfx.com


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Hello, http://www.ogsoundfx.com link is broken, redirects to http://www.ogsoundfx/

November 23, 2017 07:42 PM
Olivier Girardot

Oups something went wrong ! Thanks for letting me know !

The link is http://www.ogsoundfx.com 

I just corrected it in the post. Sorry about that !

November 23, 2017 07:50 PM
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