
Welcome to the GameDev Challenges Forum

Started by October 03, 2017 03:00 AM
62 comments, last by penguinbyebye 6 years, 10 months ago

1. I think most challenges should be open to whatever language, framework or game engine.

2. If it is very specific regarding a game engine, it should be very well justified.

3. Even with a good justification, it should be remembered that not everyone will be willing to download a bunch of dependencies to get in the challenge. For example, I wouldn't be willing to install JDK or Mono.NET. IF you are going to make a challenge that requires a specific dependency, at least chose a very easy one to get. Lua and Love2D are examples of extremely easy dependencies to install, and very lightweight.

1 minute ago, MarcusAseth said:

So yeah, I agree with you it depends on the challenge, what I was thinking was to not mix them in the same "Make X Game" challenge.

Agreed. "Make X Game" is clearly something focused on design and creative. No reason to mix.

@Finalspace A suggestion for your list of possible challenges:  -->

In there there are something like 20 patterns, maybe we could have 20 challenges with requirements gravitatying around each one of the patterns, which would also require the reading of the associated page (and optional additional reading material linked in the challenge itself)

Can't tie challenge and learning more than that! :D

8 hours ago, MarcusAseth said:

@Finalspace A suggestion for your list of possible challenges:  -->

In there there are something like 20 patterns, maybe we could have 20 challenges with requirements gravitatying around each one of the patterns, which would also require the reading of the associated page (and optional additional reading material linked in the challenge itself)

Can't tie challenge and learning more than that!

If someone want to make these kind of challenges, he can do that but i wont. I dont like patterns or fixed programming paradigmas at all. I never think about this stuff, even though i know most of it. There so many ways to solve a problem, i never find myself needing a pattern to solve any problem for me.

Challenge is on!

I will probably use SDL2 to make the game (I thought about using my own engine, but it's probably not that portable yet).

In my email I've received a notification for the challenge discussion topic, but when I try to access it is not there, it got deleted? Can users post directly on the main challenge post?

Anyway I'm personally on the edge if I should join this one or not :P 

As I already said (probably more than once) I don't think "make X game challenge" should be made into challenges with deadlines if begginners participation is to be expected, for instance one of the requirements is:

  • Minimum of 2 enemies with different behavior (AI)

And I never did AI and have no idea about where to start (is not like "I don't know the best solution", is literally "I have no idea" :D ), so that's why my idea of challenge was something of smaller scope with more focus on stuff like having the game framework already done and just make the behaviour AI part :)

In that regard, putting recomended link to learning material under each one of the requirement could probably help. Anyway, maybe I'll try, I'll figure it out :)

I don't see this discussion thread, either. Maybe was deleted. But I think we can talk here, anyway.

2 minutes ago, MarcusAseth said:

As I already said (probably more than once) I don't think "make X game challenge" should be made into challenges with deadlines if begginners participation is to be expected, for instance one of the requirements is:

The deadline is more of a challenge than a requirement for submission. I think that's what is going to be for every challenge.

6 minutes ago, MarcusAseth said:

And I never did AI an have no idea about where to start, so that's why my idea of challenge was something of smaller scope with more focus on stuff like having the game framework already done and just make the behaviour AI part

I will update the post with a link for some youtube tutorials regarding AI.


I added this these topics:

  • Enemy behavior can involve:
    • Response to the environment. What is the kind of tile that the enemy is currently at? What are the kind of tiles that are in front or behind the enemy?
    • Response to the player. Where is the player? Is it too far away? Is it close? In front or behind? How the enemy will respond to that?
    • Motion pattern. Does the enemy walk on the platform and stop for some time? Does it fly? Games like Super Mario World are good examples with a great variety of enemy patterns.
  • The tutorials on Youtube by Shaun Spalding teach some enemy programming. They are for Game Maker, but the logic can be translated to other game engine or framework:
" rel="external">
  • " rel="external">
  • " rel="external">

    @ferreiradaselva Thanks, I'll definetely check those out :)

    I got a window working on SDL2 and the main loop.

    I'm writing the structures before jumping into logic.

    I will be updating my challenges here:

    The structures.h file has all the structures that I have (and will have) in the game.


    ... Now I'm going to watch some Adventure Time.

    The discussion thread was removed since it's not needed and devs can talk about the challenge directly in the challenge thread. This thread will remain for general information about GameDev Challenges.

    Admin for

    This topic is closed to new replies.
