
Cooking purchased plugins into Source UE4 builds?

Started by March 04, 2020 02:07 PM
0 comments, last by WGS_Stillwater 4 years, 6 months ago

Having some trouble getting marketplace plugins to work in a 4.24 source build. The client version seems to load the plugin modules correctly, but when attempting to launch the server build I end up getting a “module manager failed to load plugin - could not find module”. Rebuilding the engine now with the plugins in the source engine itself, I found in the target file last night it was missing the line for my plugin compared to the others loading up. Hoping that's the solution..

What's the proper way to move a marketplace plugin into a source build?

EDIT: I ended up cooking the plugins into the base engine, though you can per project apparently. Anyways my issue was when I went to package I needed to change my target to “Server” and have two separate builds. When I did that the server fired up without issue. Now if I could figure out why I can't get port 7777 to open on win 10 -_-

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