
Game of Chess

Started by July 10, 2022 12:46 PM
5 comments, last by Jonffff 2 years, 2 months ago

Hi every one,

i'm studying bachelor major math and computer science and i have always been interested in game of chess,

so i thought to build a game for my graduation project, very excited for it and i think i have the needed skills for it, but i am a little bit confused when it comes to choosing programming language to develop it, and should i develop it as 2D game or 3D?

any guidance will help me a lot.

thanks in advance


khawla said:
should i develop it as 2D game or 3D?

That's easy to answer i think : )

Because very most of your time will go into AI, such minimal graphics are good enough to work on that.
Depending on how the progress is, you may tend to invest in some impressive 3D later, or better stick at simple 2D using images to get it done.


Let your chess program talk a communication protocol, so it can play against other computers or get attached to board-display programs for human play.

EDIT: Maybe​ is the better starting point.

As JoeJ indicated above, there are some very simple (the example given is a string of text) representations that you could use. So, don't get hung up on the visual depiction of the game. It shouldn't affect the logic of the core game anyway. If you keep the visuals separate from the core logic, then you'll be able to swap out the visuals later without having to modify the underlying logic code.

So, go with whatever is fastest for you right now.

Agreed, for a senior project it is really easy to over-scope.

Is your goal AI? There are systems out there where you only provide the AI and the system plays against opponents.

Is your goal to make a standalone game? It is a lot more than what beginners realize but can be a great learning project.

Is your goal to showcase projects that you did in school? Maybe you did a ray tracing project and can draw a raytraced chess board. Maybe you had an emphasis on networking and want to build a networked chess game.

Use whatever you already know. You don't have much time to learn something new. Normally a senior project is about 40 hours of work, meaning a 3-4 credit hour class, but it is professionally only a single work week. If it is a full year project maybe two weeks, and you get a few hours of advice from a teacher. It can feel like the whole wide world is open to you, but really there is a fairly tight time constraint.




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